Technology Archiv - Page 3 of 15 - Phonak Audiology Blog - Phonak Pro - life is on


Updates on the latest innovations, including remote microphone technology, connectivity options, hearing protection and rechargeability.

Talking about Roger™ – Part 1

Audiologist, Min Roh explains the What, Why and Where of Roger™ technology, offering insights into its functionality, advantages, and clinical applications.

Fostering social connections: The essential role of speech understanding

Audiologist, Brandy Pouliot, AuD, shares why speech understanding is key to enjoying social interactions and how Phonak’s sound classifier, AutoSense OS, uses machine learning to activate the right settings so your patients can socialize with confidence and foster those important social connections.

24 years in the making: Evolution of AI in Phonak hearing technology

Artificial intelligence is set to transform the hearing industry, from enhancing hearing aid functionalities to optimizing workflow processes. Learn how Phonak has utilized machine learning to improve the user experience for over two decades and what great potential we can expect in the future.

Translating clinical research to clinical reality

It takes years for research to evolve to the level of understanding required for clinical application. Dr. Jason Galster, Vice President of Clinical Research Strategy with Sonova, shares insights on the stages of translating research in audiology.