Training for success: the emerging need for human skills

At the OEB MidSummit, a consensus stressed the urgency to develop the uniqueness of (human) professionals. Our training on Family Centered Care addresses crucial skills such as empathy.

Two weeks ago, the Learning and Development team from Phonak headquarters took part in the first edition of the OEB MidSummit in Reykjiavik, Iceland.

Instructive keynote talks, tools demonstrations and practical workshops were delivered during the 2 days of this international conference on the complexity of learning in the digital era. Even though some experts identified a trend towards an increasing use of artificial intelligence both on training and in the economy, it clearly emerged that the human peculiarities and capabilities will not be replaced by robots any time soon. On the contrary, there seemed to be a consensus on the urgency to strengthen and develop the competencies that make (human) professionals so needed and unique, such as communication skills, empathy, strategic analysis and diagnosis. In a landscape characterized by rapid changes and technologic evolutions, industry clearly appears to be able to bring an important contribution by offering professionals the tools needed to effectively develop and adapt their business.

In this context, we offered an interactive session on the forthcoming training proposed by Phonak on Family Centered Care. The workshop “Overcoming lack of topic popularity, time and resources” approached the delicate question of developing the competences at the center of the Family Centered Care approach, such as empathy and negotiation and management of difficult conversations. In fact the ability to make use of these human skills will probably count among the key factors of success for hearing care professionals in the future.

In the forthcoming training offered by Phonak, hearing care professionals will be able to familiarize with the Family Centered Care approach and with the appropriate know-how for implementing it in their daily practice. They will also have the opportunity to develop their skills through a series of interactive and practical exercises.

Stay tuned for further information!

In the meanwhile, you can learn more about Family Centered Care here.